Facebook AI Christmas Frenzy

Facebook AI Christmas Frenzy


Here's how the points were calculated:

1 POINT: for posting an AI picture
1 POINT: for every reaction received (except own-reaction! Those do not count ;) )
3 POINTS: for every comment received (except own-comments, obviously ;) )


1st place: 25T$ to player So_Legga (173 points)
2nd place: 15T$ to player artec2 (135 points)
3rd place: 10T$ to player Alfavit55555 (35 points)


Potrebbe essere un'immagine raffigurante albero di Natale e folla

Buckle up! For this Christmas season we're going to see some WEIRD things thanks to the AI!

Have you already tried the joy of AI image generation? No? Well you should!

This December, from 11th to 17th, every day we will post a Daily Image Request: use whichever AI image generator you like, free or non free, to reply to the post with your craziest poker-christmas-themed picture generated by an AI program or website!


You can only post one picture per day, by replying to our Facebook post.
You have to add your username in the reply or in the picture itself.
Invite your friends and collegues to like our Facebook page: your picture will score points depending on how many reactions and replies it gets!

1 reaction to your image: 1 point
1 comment to your image: 3 points

Once the Frenzy is over, after the 17th, users with the most points will be rewarded as follows:

1st place: 25T$
2nd place: 15T$
3rd place: 10T$

In addition to that, we will pick only one of all the pictures that will be posted during the frenzy, the one we like the most, and that will be come part of our social graphic covers for the Christmas Time, and will get a 10T$ bonus.

What you are waiting for? Go find some nice AI generators, be it Bing, Leonardo, Ideogram or Midjourney, and be ready to show us some crazy stuff!


Don't know which tools to use? Here you are a couple of good ones that have a free tier





But feel free to use any tool you like, as long as it is an AI image generator! Remember: we want to see some crazy stuff!


- Players must be aged 18+, 19+, 21+, or 24+ depending on jurisdiction, to participate in this promotion.
- Frenzy will start on December the 11th when the first sleigh gets spotted and will end on December the 18th at 00:00 CET
- Hours at which the Frenzy will be announced daily on our Facebook page will not be disclosed beforehand, but the Frenzy will be announced each day.
- The Frenzy is reserved for players who have a BetKings account.
- To participate, you need to answer to a post with the announcement (the one with "Frenzy starts!") with an AI generated image with theme poker/christmas, and your BetKings username. Answers to the posts with the Frenzy covered in other socials won't generate any points.
- To score points, your reply with the AI image must receive reactions and replies: 1 point per reaction, 3 points per reply. Due to this fact, you are encouraged to invite friends and collegues to our Facebook page to help you score points.
- Once the Frenzy gets announced ( = the post with the Frenzy gets published), you can reply with your image at any given moment up until the overall Frenzy ends (on December 18th at 00:00 CET). 
- The Frenzy points leaderboard will only be shared after the promotion ends.
- You can only reply ONCE to every Frenzy post. This means that you can share a total of 7 pictures, one per day, but you can decide to share them all the last day by replying to each one of the posts. 
- If you share more than one image under a Frenzy post, only the first one published will count, the other will be deleted.
- At the end of the Frenzy, if two or more players are tied in terms of points, the better place will be taken following this logic: 1) Better Place to the player who has posted more pictures under the Frenzy's posts. If still tied, 2) Better place to the player who has posted an image before the other(s) during the whole Frenzy. If still tied, 3) Better place to the player who has been registered on BetKings for the longer period of time. Note that tie breaking will only be applied at the end of the promotion.
- After the Frenzy has ended, the prizes will be assigned within 3 to 5 working days.
- The promotion terms and conditions are subject to the BetKings site terms and conditions.
- GGPoker standard rules apply.
- BetKings reserves the right to modify or suspend the promotion at any time.
- If any players fall under suspicion of fraudulent activity, BetKings has the right to investigate and remove the players if it’s confirmed.