Detalji promocije i ograničenja
- Ova promocija, Medeni mesec za novopridošle (dalje, ‘Medenjak’), je ograničena na naloge kreirane nakon 00:00, 1. januara 2019. (PT).
- Počnite pritiskom na ‘Počni medeni mesec’ na vašoj stranici za medeni mesec da biste učestvovali. Bez obzira na vreme prijave, datum kada igrač prvi put uđe biće smatran njihovim prvim danom. Igrači će imati vremena do tridesetog (30.) dana da započnu medeni mesec.
- Pravo da učestvuju imaju igrači koji moraju ručno započeti medeni mesec pritiskom na ‘Počni medeni mesec’ pre 23:59:59 njihovog tridesetog dana. Ako ne započnu u predviđenom vremenskom periodu, promocija ističe.
- Certain missions require a tournament to finish before the mission is ticked complete.
- Example: If your mission is playing a Bounty Hunters tournament, the mission will only complete when the tournament finishes fully.
- Chopping the pot is not considered as a win; thus, missions cannot be completed in such situations.
- Please note that if the event finishes after the day’s completion window closes at midnight UTC, the event will NOT count as successful completion.
- Players will no longer be eligible for the Honeymoon once it has expired.
- Missions can only be completed with the main pot, unless specified otherwise.
- Missions can only be completed by running the board once, unless specified otherwise.
- Missions regarding tournaments can only be completed if the tournament ends before mission resets.
- Missions cannot be completed by playing in private tournaments of any kind, unless specified otherwise.
- Missions cannot be completed by playing in satellite events, unless specified otherwise.
- Missions will be based on the UTC time zone. A day starts at 00:00 and ends at 23:59.
- At least one hole card must be used for Hold’em and AoF Hold’em missions.
- Rewards will be instantly credited to the player’s account as claimed.
- Tickets claimed from rewards will be valid for 30 days.
- The promoter has sole and absolute discretion for issuing ‘Bonus Days’ due to foreseeable events that may interfere with missions.